
Beach boy

Cam loved his second trip to the beach. He didn't like the hot sand. So most of the time we stood near the water or under our tent digging for "treasures." Of course the best treasure he found was a top to some kind of food. He actually wanted to take it home.

Cam is such a trooper. This isn't the easiest of trips for him... He doesn't visit Florida that often and he's clearly not in his widest comfort zone. Every day he eases up a little more. But for some reason, he won't go on walks with his Grandma or Grandpa... He barely goes for walks with me. He adores the backyard pool, but deals with me telling him to slow down and keep his feet on the ground when he dunks a toy into the water. We like marching to the lake and looking at the new fountain that flows behind my parents' house. But when he gets really mad at me over something, he tells me: "I want to go home to Missouri."

We'll be there soon enough. We leave on Thursday and should get home in time for dinner. Daddy is going to pick us up and I can't wait to see him. I'm sure Cameron can't wait as well. Tomorrow's trip to Lion Country Safari should be very exciting. I think it's a great way to cap off our big Florida vacation.

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