
2 weeks left

Cam officially has two weeks left of pre- kindergarten before he moves over to the public school for "Camp Kindergarten." I'm excited for him. But I'm also a little nervous. I wonder how I can help him enjoy the transition. I wonder if he'll be an emotional wreck. I wonder if I worry too much and that will just make it worse!

Anyway. I dropped by and took a few pictures of Cam and his friends. This one has Cam and Erick hamming it up... Noah was in the background being silly as well. This was a really small class. I wonder if that was a hinderance for my boy. But either way, he's reading, writing, spelling and figuring out math on his own... Not to mention he likes speaking in Itallian! I can't complain about his education.

I'm getting a little nostalgic about the almost-three years he's gone to this school. He was a tiny chunk of a kid when he started. He was just starting to talk, loved colors and needed to get better at socializing with other kids. Now he talks a ton, loves learning and gets better at that socializing thing by the day. He's a thousand feet taller (at least it feels that way). He's way skinnier and he finally fits his head. He's goofy and cuddly and he still loves his Mommy.

Cam graduates from Pre-K on Thursday. It's silly. The kids wear purple caps and gowns and get a diploma. I plan to take a ton of pictures because I have to. It's a parental requirement of an event like that. I do plan to do my best not to cry... Not until I drop him off for summer school for the first time. That's when reality sets in.

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