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Quite an adventure
Cameron is about to settle back into a normal pattern of school after a very exciting two weeks of Winter vacation. Along with the chance to play outside in the warm air of Florida, swim in pools (warm and cold), play in the waves of the ocean AND play at Disney... He pushed his comfort envelope in so many ways.
I am so proud.
But the moment I keep thinking about was while we were on the beach in South Florida. We were all enjoying the beautiful Christmas day. I was sitting on the sand and making sure Jordan stayed away from the dead jellyfish that were scattered here and there while watching Cam play in the waves. Randy was relaxing on a towel while my brother was reading a book. Suddenly I looked and watched Cameron start to run down the beach. I figured he wouldn't go far... but he did. He kept running and running and running. And I got nervous. The mommy in me was a little freaked about my not-so-great swimming son running away down the beach. He might get hit by a wave or start playing somewhere and I wouldn't be able to get there to him fast enough. You know, the mommy mind is kind of mean once you start to worry.
Anyway. He kept running.
He looked so free. So carefree. So happy.
In a tiny corner of my mind I wanted to just let him go. I know he must have felt an incredible freedom that you can only feel on a long and warm beach.
But the mommy in me couldn't let it continue. I ran after him as fast as I could. I screamed as loud as I could to get him to stop. And I must have looked scared because Cameron got upset once I reached him. He was sorry. He didn't mean to.
I understand. I really do. But he has a little more growing to do before he starts running the beach on his own. But when he can, I hope he can continue to run free like that. And it made me want to do that same. I wish I could escape and just run sometimes. I'm glad Cam got to... even if it was for a short time.
Bravery on levels we've never seen
The moment we got to South Florida, Cameron was a different kid -- A kid who jumps into the pool (a really cold pool):
After that, it got even more interesting. He rode his bike all over my parents' neighborhood... And then we went to Disney World.
Cam went down ALL kinds of rollercoasters. He can actually boast riding every roller coaster in the Magic Kingdom in one day. From the Goofy's Barnstormer to Space Mountain. Pretty awesome... And it seems like he's interested in riding many more in the future. I'm pretty excited!
He really wants to go to Disney
Can't you tell by the pitiful look on his face? I was packing for our big trip to Florida and encouraged the kids to really hope Santa lets them to go to Disney World. (I sure hope so since I have a room there for two nights!) Anyway... He's hoping things work out. He even made sure he brought it up when he left a message for Santa:
Happy holidays everyone! I'll try to post a few more stories about the boy before the year ends!!
And now a word from Cameron...
I want to see Bedtime Stories. I want to see Bedtime Stories because whatever the niece and nephew say in the story comes to life. I want to see it in Florida with my family.
Singing is fun!
Cameron started singing with our church children's choir a few months ago. Today he got to show off that hard work in a holiday choir performance. He totally ROCKED out to Joy To The World:
If you can't see it here, view it here.
Cameron is getting very excited about the holidays and Star Wars Lego Saga on the Wii. He gets so focused on specific games and topics. It's pretty amazing. We're also moving to the final book in the Spikerwick Chronicles. It's an intense book series but we love it. It's another other one those things where you find Cameron doing something above his age... and the next moment he throws a fit or gets angry about something silly and it reminds me that he's only six!! Through it all, I'm thankful he still lets me give him a cuddle and a hug from time to time. He's a sweetheart and I'm so happy to be his mom.
So much to be thankful!
Cameron got to enjoy Thanksgiving this year with his family in Kentucky. Not only did he have a chance to avoid eating all of the traditional foods that comes with the meal, he got to play football with the "big boys." It was cute. He's not that great at catching, but he was all about running and tackling. He got to spend time with his grandparents, great-grandparents, uncle and extended family -- not to mention mom, dad and Jordan.
We're thankful to have Cameron in our lives - his analysis, his energy and his love is everything you'd want from a son. We're also very thankful to have a wonderful family and so many friends.Cam is reading the Spiderwick Chronicles these days -- It's a series of five books that was turned into a movie last year. He got the book set from my brother for Christmas years ago but I decided Cameron was old enough and able to read the books in the last couple of months. So he was reading the second book on his own for a little while when he emerged from the bedroom to announce: "The tooth fairy isn't real. I know that's true." I looked up in shock. Randy looked up in shock. And we asked him why he thought that. He mentioned the book (and I found the spot in book 2 where they talk about it) and said he planned to confirm it at school. I begged him to keep his ideas to himself... But I'm sure he went to school preaching his new found discovery. My fear: he'd transition this realization to Santa. So what did I do? I rushed him to see Santa with Jordan the moment we got back from our Thanksgiving trip. I wanted to sneak in at least one more visit. So what is the first thing he says when we get to the mall? "I know this Santa isn't the real Santa." I asked him to keep his ideas quiet for Jordan's sake. He was very skeptical about the experience. He even rolled his EYES! At least I convinced him to take a few pictures. I even got the kids ice cream to celebrate our first non-dramatic (and probably last) Santa picture with both kids. (go team!)
I'm going to miss my boy!
Cam was extra cuddly with me today before I left to go on a big trip to China. I was telling him how much I love him when he looked at me and said: "You're going to make me cry!"
Awwww. I just gave him the biggest hug I could. What a sweetie head.
Cam and I took the world's fastest trip to St. Louis yesterday so I could speak at the JEA/NSPA conference for high school journalism students. Cam didn't have school and I figured he could handle the back and forth. The bad part was getting up at 5am so we could get there in time without hitting really bad morning traffic. He tolerated it and got to watch Nim's Island (which is a movie) on my iPhone. He barely peeped during the presentation.
We've been pretty silly together while I was home for a few days. Here's proof:
We were goofing around with music and a video recorder. It's very easy to be silly when you mix those two things together. I'm going to miss my boy while I'm away. I can't wait to have some pure family time for a few days after the trip during Thanksgiving. Hopefully I'll be able to power through the jetlag.
Election season is over
Cameron spent this presidential election very focused on the experience and news coverage about the race between John McCain and Barack Obama. He can't stand how I wouldn't talk about my opinions but he clearly defined his opinions and where he stood in the presidential battle. So when Barack Obama came to our town, I couldn't pass up the chance for him to see history in the making first-hand. So here are a few pieces of video I took as we stood in line, walked into the event and listened to the speech. By the way - It was nearly impossible to see Obama and I was okay with that, but I made sure Cam could see by letting him sit on my shoulders a couple of times. It took my back a couple of days to decompress! That boy is BIG!
I worked all election night helping run a massive webcast/watch party. So I brought a bunch of patriotic balloons back home that night. I took them into Cameron's room where he was sleeping... Then I crawled into bed with him and whispered: "Cameron, America elected its first black president." He shot up, giggled and asked, "Barack Obama?" I said yes and he went back to sleep smiling. I just couldn't wait until the morning to tell him the big news. Watching this election season from his perspective was a joy. I'm proud of him for being civically engaged and I hope I'll be able to help guide him to use that interest in productive ways as he grows up!
Super busy guy
Here's a quick rundown of Cam's weekend:
Lunch party
Morning hike and picnic
Halloween neighborhood party
When Cam went to bed tonight, he told me this was the best day ever. Not the first time he's ever said that, but he's certainly had a great weekend. That's for sure. The movie was awesome for anyone who loves the High School Musical series. Cam and I (and Jordan) jammed to the show. Cam barely moved the entire time except to grove to the songs. He's tried to sing one song that he hasn't downloaded yet - "The Boys are Back." He was just as excited when he got to wear his costume tonight. The moment he puts that thing one he gets into character. It's awesome. I have a thousand pictures that are on our Flickr page - I don't have enough time to post all of them on this website!