
Lion Country Safari Insanity

We survived the big trip to Lion Country Safari. We got out of the house a little later than we planned... Which probably sealed our doom at the end of the day. Anyway, we headed out and Cameron was ready. He wanted to see all the characters from the movie "Mdadagascar." He survived the 40 minute drive with many "are we there yet" type questions. He did NOT want to go potty before we went into the park. But after threatening to go home, he was more willing to comply.

So we got in and Cameron really wanted to find a hyena. They don't have any there but I didn't have the heart to tell him. But when we started getting close to animals he recognized, Cameron was pretty darn excited. The coolest part was the zebras, ostriches and the rhinos. The rhinos got really close to the car and made for some pretty cool pictures. Cameron kept telling me when to take a picture. (Take a picture now Mommy!!)

After the drive-through safari, we went into the "park" part of Lion Country Safari. We at lunch and Cameron tormented little birds. Then we got to ride on some very cool rides. And that's when Cameron got VERY brave. He wanted to ride a ferris wheel! He had no thoughts of danger, he just wanted to get up and ride on it. So he and his Grandpa had a very cool ferris wheel ride... The picture proves it.

But after that ride, it was obvious we needed to get the tired boy off to home. We bribed him with ice cream and that was fun to see. The only problem: He doesn't know how to eat an ice cream cone. He was digging the ice cream out of the cone with his fingers because he wouldn't actually eat the cone. It was very messy. My mom spent a good portion of the evening cleaning up the disaster on his shirt.

Going home, Cam kept saying how tired he was... But it was a struggle to get him down for a late nap. When he woke from it, he was a monster. He threw massive fits if he didn't get his way -- and many of his issues were totally irrational. It's understandable. He was "on" for most of the day. He never had down time and that late nap was just too late. I was beffuddled trying to keep him relatively calm. So eventually after a good bath and a story from his new Bob the Builder book, he went to bed under a cloud of fire. When he woke up this morning he told me: "I had a really good nap Mommy." I think he's ready to go home. He has his new Lion Country Safari t-shirt on and jaguar socks. He can't wait to show those off.

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